Luo bou to
JoinedTopics Started by Luo bou to
So let me get this straight
by TheICE ina web site called where x-jw's and jw's who pretend to be jw's come to chat about how bad jehovah witnesses are and how they brain washed them etc, would it not be more productive to move on and forget than to let something most of you obviously hate take so much of your time and effort.. for some being a jw is about not being part of the world, what other religion is there that is as moral as a jw.
i am d'fed but i belive that jw's are the true religion.
sure some of them can be self righteous pricks but there imperfect just like anyone else,we all need to focus on us and not worry about what there doing because we can't change them.. .
Why do we care so much?........
by oompa infor immediate family and friends?
?.....why do some of us go nearly crazy cause we cant get them out??
?........why does it matter so much to us?..........some are better off in as they are too old to replace their entire social my folks.
Jesus "first born" does not mean "first created"
by sacolton incol. 1:15, "firstborn of all creation".
"he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities.
all [other] things have been created through him and for him.
Insider outsider Watchtower
by Luo bou to ini am interested in learning what you think are the reasons for having two watchtowers.
( not the party line) how is it put into practise and is it working?.
door cars and minivans
by megaflower inyes, the care of choice for any good witness family.
how many of you bought one for the good of field service?
you can be privlidged to take the lead in bringing a life saving message to the masses.
JW marriage are they real
by Luo bou to inusually we marry someone we know and love as a person.
my marriage 20 years broke up after i began to question my faith in the wt my wife was so fearfull.
so was i: i did not want to believe that i had been deceived but i could not deny what i learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth.
JWD Awards: And the winner is...
by Princess Daisy Boo infor the poster the uncanny ability to give an apostate take on the fluffiest of threads: wtwizard.
for the most eloquent and enigmatic poster: compound complex.
for the poster who posts the oddest threads: badboy.
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT: now open for business
by Terry in.
here is your chance to complain.. what is really bothering you and what would you like to see happen?.
go on, let it out; let it all out.
Prisoner finds love on the outside
by Kent inprisoner finds love on the outside .
by amanda gearing.
a jehovah's witness minister who was convicted of killing his pregnant wife in 1997 has fallen in love while on prison work release and remarried in brisbane on saturday.